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Medji Temple Supports PTSD Awareness
Medji Temple and Medji Court Annual NHCI Walk
Gala Days
Medji Temple #45 Remembers our Fallen Military Veterans
Medji Fights Diabetes

Welcome to Medji Temple No. 45's website.  We are located in the beautiful Oasis of Fort Worth, Desert of Texas. Medji Temple No. 45 is one of the oldest Temples in Texas. Medji was chartered in August 1916. We hope that you find the information on this website informative. 

We are focused, and actively working on community service programs, our Shriners as Mentors program, educational and economical relief efforts, our Community Health Initiative and other programs mandated by the Imperial Council of the A.E.A.O.N.M.S Inc.

National Community Health Initiative

The purpose of the National Community Health Initiative (NCHI) is to promote education and awareness regarding diseases and health conditions that disproportionately impact communities of color and to eradicate the associated health disparities.

The NCHI aims to improve the lives of members of the A.E.A.O.N.M.S. family and the communities in which we are members through the financial support of research and national outreach efforts.

Shriners As Mentors

The Shriners as Mentors Program (S.A.M.) started in 2005 at the A.E.A.O.N.M.S. Convention in New Orleans, LA.

Over the past years, this program has achieved high levels of acclaim, with ninety-five percent (95%) of the Deserts (individual states or specific regional areas) throughout the Domain (Jurisdiction) having a mentoring program for at-risk youth.

HBCU Initiative

The HBCU Initiative Committee will serve the Imperial Council as the conduit towards bringing awareness and support to HBCUs.

This committee coordinates the raising of funds to support scholarships for students enrolled at our nation’s Historically Black College and Universities on a monthly basis.

All disbursements are monitored and coordinated through this committee as directed through the Imperial Council.

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